Stay Away From Dry Skin This Winter

Winter Skin Care

Having dry skin is not fun. We all want to stay hydrated and stay beautiful all year round. But when the winter comes, so does the dry air, and in turn our skin becomes dryer. Here are a few tips to stay away from those dry winter days:

Moisturize More

This seems simple and I’m sure many of you already do this but it’s very important. Using more oils around these months will create a protective layer on the skin retaining in the moisture. Our Organic Facial Serum is perfect for this! It’s packed with Antioxidants keeping those free radical far away!

Home Humidity

The drier the air, the drier the skin. So it’s a good idea to maximize the amount of water in the air by placing a humidifier in the room you spend the most time. This will most definitely keep your skin hydrated. Also its a good idea to keep the heat at a low or moderate temperature to avoid extra dryness in the air.

Healthy Diet  

Your skin has a direct correlation to your gut so by eating healthy your skin will mimic it. Eating a diet rich in walnuts, avocados, and olive oil that are rich in omegas with greatly improve your skin’s dryness. Also don’t over do your intake of alcohol and caffeine because this will make you become dehydrated, leading to dry skin.

Stop You’re Making It Worse!!

Avoid using harsh peels, masks, and alcohol-based toners or astringents, all of which can strip vital oil from your skin. Be careful because some products may seem like they could benefit you but are actually making things worse. All our products are gentle & non-stripping.. they are Aloe Vera based so very hydrating for these cold months.


This is very important, because without exfoliating your dead skin will just stay where it is. Exfoliate your skin, then apply a moisturizer for best results. Our Organic Face Scrub, is very gentle and non abrasive. This will make sure only what needs to come off, will come off.

That Hot Shower Feels Good?

Yes we know.. but the intense heat of a hot shower or bath actually breaks down the lipid barriers in the skin, which can lead to a loss of moisture. So it’s best to use warm water instead!

Here at Lovo Organics, We live in Vancouver Canada where it gets cold and dry, so we definitely know how dry skin can affect you. Just follow some simple tips to keep your skin moisturized… and don’t forget to “Love Yourself,” that’s our most important tip we can give you for  healthy, glowing and beautiful skin!